Importing Nimbus processes into Skore

Importing Nimbus processes into Skore


Spark provides the capability to import Nimbus content into Spark.

The Nimbus importer will do the "heavy lifting" for you: convert all process content. You will be required to carry out some manual tidying and splitting tasks. 

Please read and be aware of the following below before starting an import:

Importing a Nimbus process into Spark

Line Texts

Line texts are automatically converted into Whyboxes.

Drilldown variants

Nimbus uses the concept of "drilldown variants", meaning one activity box can have several lower levels. Spark does not have this capability and we do not currently have any plans to implement it.

In this case, an intermediary level is inserted with as many Activity Boxes as variants. Users can then navigate to the desired process.

Commentary, Hint and Note Text

Nimbus offers several ways to add "descriptions" to an activity box.

When importing in Spark, these are all converted to an "Activity Notes" Custom Field with different grouping. In the example below, this is 1 activity box with one of each "description" type converted to a Custom Field.



Nimbus does not have a concept of "System" to add to an Activity Box. The convention in Nimbus is to mark the roles with [S]. When finding such role, the importer will automatically convert them to System. 

Known limitation of the Nimbus importer

  1. Line directions are not always reliable

On the left hand side we have a straight line between box 4 and 5, but the XML export describes a line that leaves from the bottom of the box and enters upward into the next one. This can be manually corrected after the import.

  1. "Externally connected" lines are not exported 
Externally connected lines (the 2 lines with the "X" on the left) are missing from the XML export of Nimbus, so they will not be imported.

Fix: Remove all "externally connected" marks before export.

  1. Flow line links direction is not reliable
On the left, the line goes into box 5. The XML Export of Nimbus describes it as going the other way round (from the box to the whybox). This will need to be manually reviewed and changed after the import. 

  1. Statement Sets or Data Table are not imported

Export Nimbus process

  1. In Nimbus, Desktop version.
  2. Select File > Export > BPM-Xchange 
  3. Select "Properties" radio button
  4. Select the relevant scope

Then in Spark, select "New process from Import". If you don't have the feature, please do contact the Service Desk. 

  1. Create the process
  2. On the next screen, upload the XML file 
  3. Click Import
Your process will be created .

After import: Tidy up 

Some manual "tidy up" and "split up" of the map will be required after the import.

Tidy up the map, re-adjust boxes positions, etc. From our experience this takes less than a minute per imported diagram level.

Split up the map: Nimbus recommendation is to create 1 single mega map. Spark takes the opposite approach "Small sharp process maps". To benefit from all Spark features and best performance, it is best to split the map in small chunks that will each have their own lifecycle: process owner, version management,  approval & publication, etc. 
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